Sunday, September 28, 2014

God The Son

The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied about the time when God would come as the Savior.  Isaiah says “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight a path in the desert for our God”.  John the Baptist, who was the last prophet before Christ, took up that cry and declared to the people that Jesus Christ is both Lord and God.
There are some popular religions that believe Jesus was a re-incarnated Michael the Archangel or that he was just a prophet that taught a good moral message, but what does the Bible have to say about that?  Was Jesus an angel picked out for the job of being Savior or was He, as God offering Himself as the ransom for the sins of the people or was He just a prophet?
The Son has existed forever, even before the Father prepared Mary as a surrogate.  The Bible says “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”.  The Prophet Micah prophesied that a Ruler would come out of Bethlehem who had neither beginning nor end, and the book of Hebrews says that Jesus Christ is a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, who had neither beginning nor end.  Jesus is an eternal being who rules forever and is a priest forever.  The Priesthood begins with Jesus and ends with Jesus, therefore it was He who commissioned the priests out of the tribe of Levi.
Though we often view Mary as the mother of Jesus the Son of God, and so she is in respect to the fact that she cared for Him as a mother would, God had chosen through His Sovereign Nature to come into the existence of mankind  through the portal of humanity .  The Son of God, though He chose to come to the earth as a baby that would need a mother’s care; pre-existed as God throughout eternity past.  It is through coming like this that it can be said of Him “He was tempted in all points such as we are, yet without sin”.  Jesus, after taking upon Himself the form of a human, opened Himself to being able to feel the depraved feelings of mankind, but yet purposed in His heart not to defile Himself by indulging into self-pity, feelings of rejection, feelings of lust, or any other thing known to mankind.
So what really does it mean when you see or hear Immanuel?  Immanuel or Emmanuel is a word used to describe the incarnation of Jesus Christ.  First of all “incarnation” means “taking on the flesh”.  The words Immanuel or Emmanuel mean literally “God With Us”.  Isaiah brings these words into his writings (under the direction of the Holy Spirit) to give hope in a time when there was none.  The meaning was clear God was going to visit His people. The Word of God was going to become flesh!
The messages that God had spoken in times past were clear, Mankind deserved to die for its sin; yet God, the merciful Father that He is offered to take our sin and our punishment for sin in exchange for a relationship with Him.  A life of sin always will end up with someone’s death and there is no getting around that fact, so when God declares that he is willing to take it on Himself, He is declaring that you (we) have been pardoned if you allow His blood sacrifice to atone for your sin.  Physical death is not yet eradicated, but it will be as Jesus will come back to this earth destroy the rest of His enemies.  Sin will always take a person to the point of self-destruction unless God steps in to reverse that path through Salvation.  Though many of us live our lives with seemingly “good morals”, unless we choose Jesus our lives are headed for destruction in the Lake of Fire which was prepared for the angelic enemies of God and those they have deceived.
The Ministry of Jesus Christ began at His Baptism.  Baptism was always a sign of entering into a life of service for God and when Jesus was baptized the meaning hadn't changed.  It is here that the three person Godhead is present in either visible or audible form.  Those around Jesus had no doubt as to what had just happened unless they just chose to ignore the truth.  John the Baptist, the man doing the baptizing at that point interpreted that to mean that Jesus was (is) the Sacrifice of God.  The crowd that was standing around heard, saw and heard the interpretation so they really were without excuse.
As Jesus received His ministerial initiation ritual, it became evident that He was set to become a leader of an entirely different stripe.  His physical leadership was going to be short, and divisive; yet it was going to be a leadership that was focused on His love for His followers rather than some selfish agenda.  It was unheard of for a leader to seek to give life to his followers by dying for them.  Usually the leader would spend years discipling his followers and hope they would catch it by the time he could no longer lead them.  Jesus discipled His followers a mere 3 years and then offered Himself up as a sacrifice on the cross to give them life (spiritual).  Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
The life and ministry of Jesus the Son of God on this earth had more purpose than just to create some amazing stories to teach good morals.  Many people view the stories of the Bible this way; but in reality the Bible is the story of God rather than just independent stories of people or even an isolated story of Jesus.
The ministry of God incarnate drew to a close as the Religious Leaders declared Jesus a blasphemer of Himself as God, and through which they became the true blasphemers of God.  They thought they had enough evidence against Jesus to destroy Him by death and He willingly offered Himself up so that His message would spring to life through His death.  His physical death on the cross was the beginning of a new era for the world as within three days He was raised bodily from the grave and an earthquake made the empty tomb visible to those who came to see it.  The Power of God is the only force that is capable of raising the dead body of our Lord to life.

God the Son is the person of the Godhead through whom all things are issued.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

God As The Father

He is the father to the fatherless
He is a mother to the motherless
He is the Creator of the world
He is an orchestrator of Redemption, Creation, Life, etc...
He is the Giver of the Law
He is the orchestrator of Holiness, righteousness, Truth, Revelations, etc…
He is the Giver of all Blessings (Good Gifts)
He is the beginning of Wisdom, Glory, Promises

There is very little distinction between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  As we proceed into this study, we shall see many similarities between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father begins to reveal Himself to us in the beginning of His Word.  We have already mentioned the word El-ohim in which The prefix “El” translates as Father God.  As mentioned in a previously, the suffix “ohim” gives the pre-fix a plural meaning.  The word El-ohim is a singular word for Father God with a plural meaning.  This indicates more than one person having the name as Father God.  (Genesis 1:1)  We are not trying to say that there is more than one God but that the term God is made up of three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God is a Living Father.  Hosea 1:10 indicates that there are those who hadn’t been Children of the Living God, but that He would become their Father.
The Father always refers to an authority that has brought into existence or gives life to a son or daughter.
The Old Testament makes various references to God the Father, but though it has been mentioned; it becomes a reality in the New Testament.  The New Testament has shown us that the Father is a personal Father instead of a vague reference to Him being our Father.
There are two aspects of the Father.  One of these aspects is God the Father as He issues the decree for us to be His children.  The other aspect of the Father is in Christ, who though He is our “Elder Brother” through our adoption, He initiates fatherhood into each one of us.  It is because of Creation that we have a part of God instilled into us as men to be fathers to our children and show them the true character of God the best we can.  There are many parts of this that we will need to ask God to help us as there is no way a fallen being can exemplify a holy, and righteous God to their children.
A  father also continues to breathe life into his children’s hearts by blessing them or offering them the Living Truth though it may be hard for them to swallow.  A father will speak to his children about the dangers in life and will do everything in his power to protect them from those dangers.  A father whose child has taken its own way of destruction, will work with his child to redeem the situation in which they have found themselves.
Through Creation, we are called the children of God.  Adam, the first man, was referred to as the son of God in Luke chapter 3:38.  When mankind fell into rebellion, it seemed as though we were losing our place as the children of God until the time of the Israelites.  God stepped in and set them apart and re-initiated them as His Children.  Since the Israelites were human, their desires and pride would often get in the way of a true meaningful relationship with their Heavenly Father.  God the Father was always there to re-establish them as full children.
As time moved along, between the on again off again relationship of the Israelites and God and the ever increasing de-moralization of the rest of the population, the world continually was getting worse.  God’s plan under the Old Covenant was for the Israelites to be a type of the true Children of God and to set the stage for the initiation into the church or His Bride.
Just as the physical father cares about each of his children, our Heavenly Father cares deeply about each of His Children.  When we as children of our Heavenly Father are rebellious, He still loves us very deeply; and though we are enemies of His plan for us, He has gone to great expense to redeem our relationship with Him.
Sometimes we may feel like orphans, but we can be assured; God is our Father and is just waiting for us to reach out and take hold of His hand.  The Father is actively working on behalf of all of mankind, searching out all of the dysfunctional children who are His because He created them.  God has given us life at our birth, but we still need to make a conscious choice to remain a dysfunctional child or become a part of the inheritance of His Righteousness.
As physical fathers, we look to our heavenly Father for an example in how to be a good father to our children.  It is through us as fathers that our children will see God for who He is.

1 John 1:31 The Love of the Father

Hosea 1:10 Children of the Living God.

Why It Matters Who God Is!

If God is not who He says He is, the Bible is a lie and man remains a wasted being with a random nature that can’t be governed or govern.  You cannot separate God from the necessity of Him being Lord over all.  Our desperately wicked hearts need a guiding force that govern them, thus creating the scenario of creating the need for God.  Anything that governs is its governor, lord, god, etc.
If God is not who He says He is then life is meaningless, not to mention it is nonexistant.  Satan through secular scientists is trying to push an agenda of a no God society in which is claimed that life is a result of blending unorganized matter in a random fashion.  True science has proven this wrong by showing us there has to be a guiding force (God).  Romans chapter 1 says in my own quotation “Though the evidence was there, they chose to ignore it resulting in moral degradation, because they no longer wanted God to be their guiding force.”  Mankind for some reason has a real infatuation with being their own god and tries to overthrow God’s place in the universe in any way they can.
There are some problems right on its face with the push toward the mental framework which tries to undermine the existence of God.  The fingerprint of God is indicated over and again through the many avenues of the world’s people and its creatures, and plant life.
When God speaks, His voice is meant to be heard.  We have this fallen nature that doesn’t like to be told what to do.  We try to do things our way instead of God’s decreed way.  Our insatiable desire to be our own governor does nothing but dethrones God from the seat of authority in our lives, and lifts our capabilities to reason which comes from God in the first place, to the status of god.  This is a direct result of our own pride through which no man has a place with God.  
Our pride when left to run rampant in our lives will destroy our spiritual relationships, and our physical relationships.  Satan’s main goal is to destroy us and will often destroy our relationships to get a greater hold on our souls.  We will either find a god to fill our souls or we will set ourselves up as our own god.  
The idea of being your own god may sound pleasing to begin with, but in reality, there really are just two gods; The God of Heaven and earth or the god of this world (Satan), and any choice we make is for one or the other.  There is no neutral ground.  When it comes to serving yourself, it is the same as setting yourself up as god and translates to selfishness.  Selfishness is always a result of pride, because you are thinking only of yourself and not thinking of serving God.  Pride is what Satan felt in his heart when he tried to elevate himself to the status of God, but it was selfishness that was the evidence of that pride.
There are just two tables spread for us to sit at and fellowship around, the Table of God or the table of demons, and we cannot sit at both.  We will either partake in the spread of God or the spread of demons.  Though we would like to be islands to ourselves, especially spiritually,  we are not; and the truth is that everything we face is from one kingdom or the other.
The evident truth is that the world is in really bad condition; where life holds little or no value, morality is defunct, social skills are disappearing, and there is a great infatuation for a world of fantasy.  God has offered Himself as our Savior, and He is willing to save us from destroying ourselves from this flow of poisonous behavior.  God has deemed that life was worth creating, social interaction and morality is a necessity, and that fantasy is a lie.  We really need God as our Saviour.
Our character is tainted, marred which causes us to feel we have the edge; and that is selfishness which is driven by pride.  We will never be able to see God for who He is and hold to “Our Significance” unless we are willingly ignoring the evidence.  We need to find our significance in God because ours is as filthy rags.
Without God there would be no life, no faith, no love, no joy, and no hope.  There are many different gods/demons in the world that are being worshipped because man knows in his heart that life is bigger than he is.  The devil has seized upon that thought and has magnified on man’s desire to worship, creating a front that can be seen for man to worship.  Without God, love is turned to a selfish lust/covetous relationship, and joy is turned to heaviness of heart with a fascade of happiness and hope is turned to worry.  Many people have allowed their circumstances to dictate their lives instead of looking to God for the answers.  This results in a culture of death and often they end up killing themselves because they are tired of their life and the fascade they are under.  Mankind is on a downward spiral that is getting tighter and tighter.  The Savior is there waiting!
The desire for God is so indelibly marked into each one of our souls, that even in trying to discount the fact that He exists, we create a god of our own.  People who refuse to recognize God will come up with gods that if you really stop to think about them are weird.  The Romans developed a god that was a god of tapeworms, thinking that if they worshipped it, that god would be happy and not send his minions to harass them.  The unfortunate thing is that they were worshipping Satan and his demons.  Longer ago people were more spiritually aware and recognized the spiritual world in things like trees, rivers, animals, and stars.  What they failed to realized is that in the creation of the world, God placed a part of Himself into the existence of these things to give them life and energy.  Instead of recognizing the Creator, they focused on the creation.
The meaningless nature of life without God discredits any advances in understanding science, mathematics, and that man’s attempts to alleviate pain and suffering is a waste of time and effort.
The Bible says that man is without excuse for rejecting knowledge of God, because the evidence is all around us.  Evolution or Environmental Pantheism has taken the God ordained elevated position as overseers and rulers over creation from man and in turn given lordship to the elements to rule mankind.